• R-1 design features 20% less tread depth than R-1W tires, reducing rutting 
  • Wider footprint reduces ground pressure and soil compaction
  • Optimized lug arc provides great traction and excellent cleanout 
  • Increased lug surface area for improved wear and roading stability 
  • Large shoulder radius and wide lug nose for less soil residue disruption
  • Ideal for front position on four-wheel spreaders, flotation options on sprayers and tractors  
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Name Catalog Number Tire Size Design Load/Ply Rating Rated Inflation Pressure (psi) Rated Load (lbs) Recom’d Rim Overall Width (in) Overall Diameter (in) Static Loaded Radius (in) Rolling Circ. (in) Weight (lbs) Tread Depth (32nd in)
LSW680/55R42 177D Optitorque G0TKTL LSW680/55R42 Optitorque 177D 41 16100 DW23B 26.20 73.10 33.64 222.34 541 50
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